COVID-19 Philippines

Tracking SARS-CoV-2 cases in the Philippines

12,091 Confirmed Cases 215 new cases

2,460 Recoveries 123 new recoveries

806 Deaths 16 new deaths

Source: DOH nCoV Tracker

189,469 Tests Conducted

184,857 Tested Individuals

Global Stats
Total Confirmed Cases 4,149,039
Total Recovered 1,428,622
Total Deaths 284,204
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Today's Summary

The Department of Health confirms 215 new cases of COVID-19, bringing the national total to 12091. They have also reported 123 new recoveries adding to the tally of 2460 recovered patients. DOH has also announced 16 new deaths bringing the total fatalities to 806.

DOH Case Bulletin #063

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COVID-19 Philippines

Proudly crafted by the Gozalo siblings



JHU Coronavirus Resource Center for Global Data
DOH nCoV Tracker for PH Data
2015 Census - Philippines
